Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Swindoll Elves

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Ok, maybe I better take a break...

from blogging. I know, I know, the two of you who still check my blog once a month are saying "BUT WHY? You share SO much of your life with us that I don't know what I'll do when I can't check your blog and see there is NOTHING NEW posted!!! What will I do????" Ok, maybe that's not what your thinking, but I really thought I could do this; but WHAT WAS I THINKING????? With work (yes, I work 2 days a week, but it's still considered work!), girls homework, projects, being homeroom mom for one (WHICH I was roped into...thanks Shelley!!), basketball practice, etc, etc, etc, I didn't think about really having to have time AND enough brain cells left to actually post something. So, in respect to the blogging community and my absolutely talented blogging friends, I'm putting this on hold. I will keep this site, if I EVER decide to post pictures (which, obviously, there will have to be blue moon in the sky before THAT happens!!!), but I will let you now if that ever happens! My blogging sisters, you may take my name off your blog roll, because I'd hate to embarass you by having someone actually look at it. So for now, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Valentine's Day, Happy St. Patrick's Day, "WooHoo it's Spring Break!!", Happy Easter, "Yeaaa, it's Summer", and Happy 4th of July (oh, and Happy Birthday to you as well!!!) Maybe one day I'll be back!!!!